Sending Messages (HTTP Parameter based)

The API supports XML and Parameter based sending.

Parameter Based

Make use of parameter driven variables to send.
The function accepts the following parameters:

  • Type (String) = “sendparam”
  • Username (String)
  • Password (String)

Send to Single Number:

Send to Multiple Numbers:

- liveIf Live = false then it will return the result but won’t send the data. It won’t appear in your sent report.True
return_creditsIf True then the current Credits count will be returned.Fasle
return_msgs_credits_usedIf True then the amount of credits used will be returned.False
return_msgs_success_countIf True then the total success data count will appear in the result.False
return_entries_failed_statusIf True then the total failed data count will appear in the result.False
return_entries_success_statusIf True then the total success data count will appear in the result.False
return_entries_failed_statusIf True then the data that is rejected will be returned in the result.False
senderidThis determines where the message will come from. Only certain accounts can alter this.Repliable
numtoThe number you wish to send your data to.""
dateThis is the date the messages must be sent out. Format is dd/MMM/yyyy eg: 13/apr/2009-
timeThis is the time the messages must be sent out. Format is HH:mm eg: 17:34-
curdateThis is the current date on your server. It is used to determine when your messages should go out. If not used then the server date is used.Server Date
curtimeThis is the current time on your server. It is used to determine when your messages should go out. If not used then the server time is used.Server Time
data1The data you wish to send""
msgtypeThis defines the type of message you wish to send.
Values can be SMS / SMSR / VCARD / WPUSH / PORT
costcentreUser Defined""
customeridThe customerid is a field that is populated that has meaning to your system. This field can be returned in the result sets and can make updating data very easy. We suggest using a GUID or Identity key.""
mo_forwardemailAll incoming replies will be forwarded to this email.""
validityperiodThe amount of time in hours an SMS should remain valid. The network will continue to try to deliver the SMS over the validity period.-


Post Paid Customers

Return Credits will always return a value of 1000000 on Post Paid accounts as no credit deduction occurs on this account type.


All entries marked with * are mandatory

The output of the following XML example is defined by the input of the above parameters:

			<reason>numto invalid</reason>
XML tagDescription
entries_failedIf this tag exists then some of the data you pushed has errors.

It will contain: “numto”, “customerid” and “reason”. The reason will be:
numto invalid
senderid invalid
time invalid
costcentre invalid
type invalid
data1 invalid
entries_successIf this tag exists then it will contain “numto” and “customerid”.
send_infoThis describes the overall data returned. It WILL contain “eventid” and COULD have “credits”, “msgscredits_used”, “msgs_success” and “msgs_failed”.
credits = credits remaining in account
msgs_credits_used = the amount of credits used
msgssuccess = a count of the messages accepted for delivery
msgs_failed = a count of the messages rejected